Multiple Intelligences: Finding the Best Approach to Your Child’s Learning
style is a term referring to different ways that we learn, process, and retain
information. And all children have unique learning styles.
They learn through
meaningful hands-on experiences – such as touching, moving, and doing – and
they also learn through seeing and hearing. Students gains strong benefits when
you – a parent, a teacher, or a learning coach – can recognize their own
strengths and preferences that tell you something about their preferred
learning style.
all know that a one-size-fits-all approach to education cannot boost students’
development effectively, but even invariably
leave some learners behind. However, due to the misunderstanding of the theory
of multiple intelligences, learning styles are interchangeably used and applied in ways that can limit student
potential. Whilst multiple intelligences theory is a powerful way to
think about learning and teaching, it is also essential to understand the
research that supports it.
is Multiple
Intelligences (MI)?
1983, Howard Gardner - a psychologist and professor of neuroscience at Harvard University
– proposed the term in his book Frames of
Mind: The Theory of Multiple Intelligences. He defined “intelligence” not as an IQ (intelligence quotient), but rather, as the skills which enable
anybody to gain new knowledge and solve problems. In other word, MI theory
posits that each of us has intelligences, to some degree or another. Some of
them are simply more developed than the others. So if you want to foster your
child, try to help develop his dominant
areas of intelligence.
Modalities of
Multiple Intelligences
What Intelligences does your kid possess? Here are the descriptions
of Gardner’s nine Multiple Intelligences, along with tips that help you stretch
your child’s strengths:
1. Linguistic
The child with high verbal-linguistic intelligence displays a
facility with words and languages. He has an extensive
vocabulary and is good at reading and writing,
(sometimes telling stories, rhymes and puns), communicating his thought
and memorizing words along with dates.
Tip: Encourage your child to discuss books that he has read with
you. Also, get him involved in playing word or board games, preparing speeches
or enrolling in drama classes.
Bodily-kinesthetic Intelligence
child with body smart excels in more than one sport, enjoys physical
activities, likes to touch objects. He can tap or move when required to sit
still, or mimic other’s body movements or gestures. He can also have excellent
fine-motor coordination.
Encourage your child to participate in school and extracurricular sports and
teams. Enroll the child in dance class. If he does have fine-motor ability,
teach him to create origami, build paper airplanes, or try knitting.
3. Interpersonal
Those with high interpersonal intelligence can be characterized by their
sensitivity to others' feelings, temperaments, moods, and motivations, as well
as their ability to cooperate as a part of a group. If your child possesses this
intelligence, he communicates effectively and empathizes easily with others,
therefore is a natural leader. He also enjoys discussion and debate.
Tip: Encourage the child join collaborative
activities with friends both inside and outside of school, help her learn to
negotiate and share, encourage dramatic activities, provide him with
multi-cultural books and experiences.
4. Existential
An individual with philosophically
smart often enjoys thinking and questions the way things are. Your child shows his curiosity about
life and sometimes an interest or a philosophical awareness that seems beyond
his years.
Tip: The
child may ask over and over again, but be patient with his questioning. Read
books together that help explore these topics and discuss them at an
age-appropriate level.
5. Logical-reasoning Intelligence
area has to do with logic, numbers,
abstractions, reasoning, and critical thinking. Your child may love numbers and
math, show curious about how things work, enjoy strategy games like
chess, logic puzzles, or brain
teasers. He may also like computers and experiments, and be interest in natural
history museum.
Tip: Provide
the child with games such as chess, checkers, or backgammon, expose him to
solve various kind of puzzles, encourage him to ask questions and figure out
6. Musical
Your kid has
ability to remember melodies easily and even tell you when music is off-key.
He possesses a pleasant singing voice, speaks or moves in a rhythmical way, expresses
aptitude with music and musical instruments, and shows sensitivity to
surrounding noises.
Tip: Get him study folk dancing from other
countries or play an instrument, encourage him to write songs and join
school bands or choirs.
7. Spatial
This area deals with the
ability to visualize with the mind's eye. Your child may lean toward reading
and understanding maps and charts. He may also enjoys taking things apart and
then putting them back together, love movies and be skilled at drawling or creating
3-D sculptures.
Tip: Encourage
him to paint things and design buildings or clothing. Give him puzzles and 3-D
activities such as solving mazes that challenge his creativity.
8. Naturalist
With the intelligence of the naturalist, this child usually enjoys
nature preserves, the zoo, and talks more about favorite pets or
outdoor spots, which showing that he has a strong connection to the outside
Tip: Take
her to zoos, exhibits and museums in order for her to observe and create her
own bug homes, ant farms, or leaf collections.
9. Intrapersonal
Once your child
is self-smart, he shows a sense of independence. He
does well when left alone to play or study, and always knows his abilities as
well as weaknesses. In theory, he does not like talking too much. He has high
self-esteem, is self-directed, and can learn from failures and successes.
Tip: Encourage him with independent
projects and journal writing, help him set goals and figure out the steps to
get there, appreciate his differences and help him find quiet places for
Multiple Intelligences: Finding the Best Approach to Your Child’s Learning
Reviewed by Unknown
9:20:00 PM
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