How to Understand and Deal With Autism in Children

There may be some times you see your child behaving differently from other peers of his age. He might develop a peculiar habit of refusing to eat anything but “white food” like rice, chicken, and fish. The kid rarely makes eye contact as well as swiftly hides in any possible nook he or she can find when approached by a complete stranger.

Or your child keeps to himself all the time and would be fixed on one of his favorite things in the world, such as drawing, or the iPad. Then, any of your attempts to separate the child from any of these activities either is futile or results in his random aggression. That is when he has a symptom of autism.
In order to help your child break the stigma and develop like other normal children, you need to be resilient in understanding him not only with special needs, but what is and how autism affects his life, and have certain measures to cope with the situation.
  1. Autism spectrum disorder
Autism, more specifically speaking – autism spectrum disorder, is a mental condition that possesses underdeveloped cognitive traits; for example, lack of social interaction and communication skills (both non-verbal and verbal), as well as motor skills.
Each child diagnosed with an autistic disorder usually differs from every other, hence general descriptions of autistic behaviors and characteristics cannot apply equally to every child. Despite of that, the common impairments in social interaction, imagination and communication, as well as rigid and repetitive behaviors find it possible to recognize children with these disorders.
Many parents of autistic children consider this condition is merely more of a psychological matter, and so some children are untreated until reaching adulthood. Similar to a flower or a plant that blooms with nurturing, the same does go to a child’s intellectual, emotional and spiritual wellness. When left unabated and uncared for, distortions can be bound to happen to children’s brainwaves.
Autism spectrum disorder is specified three diagnostic categories, including impairments in social interaction, communication, and some particular patterns of behavior as follow:
  • Social interaction: This contains impairment in use of nonverbal behaviors like eye contact, body posture and gestures, and facial expression; in lack of attempts to share pleasure, interests, activities or achievements with other people.
  • Communication: This is shown by at least one of the following – a delay or lack of development in spoken language with no attempt to communicate through any alternative means (either gesturers or mime), repetitiveuse of words or language in unusual and idiosyncratic ways.
  • Behavior: Autism is demonstrated through repetitive, stereotypedand restricted patterns of behavior, activities – such as, a need for rigid adherence to specific rituals or routines in daily life; or repetitive and stereotyped motor behaviors using parts of the body like fingers, hands, or the whole body.
  1. Treatment
Autistic disorders may not be cured, but children with these disorders can make considerable progress in all areas of life.
Maintain consistency
Your kid might have had a hard time understanding how the world works round him. This remedy can help him to find routines and a concept of order in what is otherwise perceived as chaos. Here is one example of beginning routine that you can consider:
  • Wake up.
  • Use bathroom.
  • Tooth brushing.
  • Wash face.
  • Come downstairs
  • Get in a chair.
  • Eat breakfast.
  • Wash hands when done eating.
  • Watch an educational, child oriented TV program.
Avoid making changes
Cleaning a room is necessary, but changing the order of items on the bureau is not, especially in what your kid perceives as his domain. If changes are compulsory, involve him in the process so it’s not a complete surprise, or try to find similar items to the replaced ones.

Speak with your child consistently and carefully
Children who have autism spectrum disorder have the ability to speak, but they do not understand the need to do so, or they can find it difficult and stressful if you pressure them to speak.
Keep your kid informed and speak as if you expect your child to answer. Allow and teach him to communicate through gestures, sign language, or via pointing to a picture board.

Understand the use of visual stimuli
Many children have autism can be visually oriented. And nonverbal kids sometimes are able to communicate using their gesture, or by pointing to pictures in some special books put together to help them communicate. Thus every those kids should benefit by making a visual chart for the schedule for the day. You can make a picture chart in your trying to teach the child how to do something, which will be more effective.

Have the attitude that you are in it for the long haul
There can be days when your kid does well and days when he melts down or loses skills. Do not be discouraged. Talk to yourself that finding out what is not working can sometimes be as beneficial in the long run as figuring out what works so you can know what to avoid.

How to Understand and Deal With Autism in Children How to Understand and Deal With Autism in Children Reviewed by BingNow on 6:53:00 PM Rating: 5

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